
Contains: Oils of Cinnamon Pine and Ginger 

Asana: Corpse Pose/Savasana 

Affirmation: “I quieten my senses and enter stillness and calm” 


Additional information

Weight .26 kg
Dimensions 77 × 62 mm

10 in stock

Blended to promote relaxation, to soothe the soul, to aid in focus, reduce anxiety and depression within the darker months, aids sleep, clearing, cleansing and decongesting for the respiratory system so is great for the season with coughs and colds, encourages 

courageousness, empowerment, releases blockages in the heart centre and uplifts… 

A wonderfully warm comforting aroma perfect for lighting after a long winter walk and snuggle in with thick socks, throws and a mug of something warm, this aroma casts our minds back to nostalgic times of Christmases’ past… 

As the Earth reaches her darkest and coldest, this candle unites with the Winter Solstice, the sun suspends low in the sky and for a day or so rises to the same height, it is at this point we are patient, and wait and be still, then there is rebirth as the darkness is overshadowed and light is once again reborn, during this time in life that we celebrate and bring light into our homes and into our lives we bring in greenery and holly celebrating everlasting life and life energy and protection for our homes. During this time of celebration we can still remember to be gentle kind patient and compassionate with ourselves as we emerge into the light.

Patience – Warmth – Awareness