Candles & Gifts
Innersense Wellbeing Candles
100% natural plant-based plastic free palm oil free recyclable
After many years as an Aromatherapist, formulating oil blends for fragrant wellbeing is a passion. So, after many years of thought and research it is a pleasure to offer my range of Natural Pure Aromatherapy candles.
Made from a blend of odourless Rapeseed and Coconut waxes chosen as more environmentally sustainable sources fused with high-quality therapeutic grade Essential Oils, with the addition of a cotton linen wick and reusable/recyclable tins as well as minimal Eco-friendly packaging to minimise its footprint, each candle is then individually curated with specific benefits in mind, whether it be time to quieten the mind, to soften into your heart space, to uplift and bring joy and to work with the shifting cycle of our Earths seasons.
Each candle is individually hand poured infused during this process with loving Reiki energy. Due to its natural form, you will not see equal perfection, each has its own uniqueness, rather than striving for perfection I embrace the Japanese concept of “Wabi Sabi” rather than the perfect formation only machines provide, look beyond, accept flaws, nothing is perfect but rather perfectly imperfect, let go of something needing to be unbroken, smooth or linear and find its beauty. Learning to love and appreciate everything in life this way and you will become more resourceful, less throwaway, value each item you have and release self-perfection within yourself too.
These candles are a wonderful addition to your home, workspace, yoga space, meditation altar, as a gift for yourself or others.
Each candle has notes to support your souls’ journey, an affirmation, an asana and benefits.
I invite you to find a quiet corner, light a lovely candle, read a book, practice yoga, meditate whatever is good for the soul…
“Quiet the mind and the soul shall speak”
Chakra Range
Each of the candles in this range have been formulated to represent the 7 Chakras within our body, the Chakras (pronounces shhakra or cha kra) are four dimensional, they are connected to our mental characteristics and the emotional connection of our being, the organ they are connected to/with and their physical location within the body. Each essential oil chosen is specifically in tune with each dimension. Each candle has a Yoga Asana that is carefully chosen for its representative organ and position within the body connecting with the physical aspect and finally a positive affirmation is also linked to anchor positive thoughts and intention relating to the mental and emotional dimension whilst using the candle.
Seasonal Range
I have a strong connection to Gaia our Mother Earth, she has been my saviour through times of vulnerability and sadness as well as being there in many moments of joy, happiness and freedom connecting to my wild woman within. Feeling the earth beneath me the air flowing through me the sun on my face and water nourishing me, is what connects me to her…
In respect to her and cycle of birth renewal life and death which is reflected in the turning seasons all of which I adore and connect to daily, in honour of this I have a range of candles to suit each change in the year which is also in turn a change within our lives too…
Moments Range
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment”
Moon Range
Our connection to the love of Luna has been around for millenia, celebrated and revered for her cooling, soothing, feminine yin energies. Her cycle mirrors our divine feminine journey as well as governing the tides of the oceans and within ourselves.
The range of Moon candles are formulated to tap into and connect with your intuition and inner wisdom as well as the connection to nature and its cycles as well as the cycles within us. This range assist you in your yoga, meditation and magical manifesting practices.
Innersense Anandamaya
Face and Body Range
Anandamaya simply means your inner essence, inner bliss, happiness, joy, your divine inner light that radiates outwards to your physical body showing the true essence of who you really are.
The word comes from the Sanskrit Anandamaya Kosha (Kosha being a sheath energy layer within our body), which is the layer that connects us with bliss and joy. We are not just our outward exterior, this shell we call our body, we are much much more and by feeding our internal light with positivity and nourishment we radiate outward and…
“Nothing can dim the light that shines from within”
Maya Angelou
At Innersense Wellbeing taking care of You and the Planet we love is my mission.
I have been longing to provide my loyal customers with highly effective products that are the very best in natural skincare. Each made with Plant Based Botanicals, no hidden nasty chemicals and avoiding heavy bulking products and fillers. They are also hand-made, contained in recyclable bottles with the most minimal plastic (this is work in progress), Vegan friendly, Vegetarian Friendly, cruelty free and Palm Oil Free (lets give our orangutans their homes back!).
With our planet warming, mass deforestation, loss of wildlife, the constant fight against plastic pollution, through my business I am trying to play my part to not negatively impact our planet in the products I sell. So, if you are a conscious consumer – then you are in the right place.
The invitation is to apply these wonderful oils with love, kindness, nourishment and nurturance… taking the time to work upon your physical touch and to love and honour yourself with the ritual of self massage.
As you apply them you could remind yourself of your intention “I am nourishing and caring for my body,” whilst “protecting our Planet.” These wonderful thoughts will settle into Anandamaya Kosha and light your inner soul.